Discover what makes love last in relationships.

Happy couple against wall Minneapolis
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work

Ready to put relationship research into practice?

Do you have difficulty communicating and understanding each other? Are you stuck, arguing in circles about the same issues? Or are you in a good relationship and would like to make it even better?

Based on the New York Times best seller, by Dr. John Gottman and Nan Silver, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, this is a workshop for all couples.

This LIVE virtual workshop is developed from 40 years of research with more than 3,000 couples. It’s grounded on what actually works in relationships that are happy and stable. This educational workshop has been offered across the US and internationally, and has strengthened the relationships of tens of thousands of couples. It’s specifically designed to help couples improve their friendship and learn powerful communication and conflict management skills.

The workshop includes lectures, demonstrations, videos and private couples exercises. The activities are fun, insightful and informative. The presenters are hilarious…if we say so ourselves. And there is no need to worry about sharing your personal problems in front of others… we don’t do any group sharing at this workshop.


Foster respect, affection, and closeness

Make conflict work for your relationship

Learn to communicate clearly and effectively

Deepen intimacy and build trust

Strengthen your foundation of friendship and connection

Here’s what you get

  • 10 hours of couples work

  • 2 Copies of Seven Principles for Couples Workbooks

  • Love Maps Card Deck

  • Open-Ended Questions Card Deck

Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work Workship

Couples who could benefit from this workshop:

  • Pre-engaged relationships

  • Pre-marital couples

  • Relationships that need improved conflict and communication skills

  • Couples who want to make their relationship better

  • Committed relationships from newlyweds to seniors

Couples who this workshop is not for:

  • Severe emotional distress

  • Emotional abuse

  • Domestic Violence

  • Active addictions (substances, gambling, etc)

  • Serious mental health problems in one or both partners

  • Single people or only one partner of a couple in attendance

Upcoming Couples Workshop in MN Coming Soon!

Join the waitlist

Interested in joining the next Gottman Workshop in Minnesota? Fill out the contact form and I will let you know the upcoming dates for the next online workshops.

Jeana Wescott LMFT Seven Principles Leader
Seven Principles For Making Marriage Work Leader

Meet your Seven Principles Workshop Leader

Jeana Wescott, MDiv, MA, LMFT will lead the workshop and teach you what successful couples specifically do to create long-lasting loving relationships, as well as benefits of a stable, committed relationship. She is a Level 3 Trained in the Gottman Method at The Gottman Institute and has witnessed many couples transform their relationship from this method.